First thing I want to say since I have seen the light is that I want everyone to know that I am apparently a liar when it comes to those darn fender extensions.
Every time I say I am done with them, they are close enough, blah blah, blah. I end up going out to the garage and look at them and tell myself “You know Brian, you can make these better…”
And so it goes. And you know what, my inner voice is right. When it comes to finally working on something you wanted all your life, now is not the time to half-ass it.
Alright. Enough preaching…
This post is all about seeing the light. It was a very strange coincidence that I received new headlight mount assemblies and a Unity S6 I picked up on eBay on the same day.
The headlight mounts I got from a new buddy of mine in the C-Body world Richard (CBody Mopar). I was so surprised at how clean they were, they even had the headlight hardware still on them!
I was like a kid on Christmas morning! I couldn’t wait to mount them and hook up the headlights to finally see some progress.
In fact I was so excited that I completely forgot to take pictures of the mounts!
QUEUE “GOD MUSIC” By Elmer Bernstein…

Unity S6 Spotlight
I’ve been debating on what to do about the spotlight. Thoughts ran from buy a brand new one (300 bucks) or buy a half-way decent one for slightly lower.
I got kind of lucky the other morning when I spotted a Vintage Unity S6 on the old interweb auction sight eBay. You may have heard of it.
That morning I saw a working S6 with the correct length of 14.5 inches for the Monaco for the low price of 55.00 dollars plus shipping.
It was accurately described as having some patina and pitting.

Overall I was happy. I’ll be even happier once I test it to verify it works, but heck for 55 dollars it’s cheap enough to be a nice prop. Now I did have to order the correct 216 mount from Unity which was another 60 bucks, but I would have had to pay that even if I bought a new light from them.
Looking on the interwebs for how to best polish chrome, I cam a cross a biker site. I was amazed at what I read! They said to clean chrome use a small piece of aluminum foils that has been sprayed with water. Apparently the aluminum is lighter weight than chrome and will not scratch the surface.
Also, it attracts the oxidized metal as you rub it across the chrome.
It sounded to good to be true, but I guess seeing is believing!

Will you look at that! I gave it a quick coat of Turtle Wax just so the pitting wont come back. It cleaned up really nice, but fortunately still has enough used charm that it will be PERFECT for my Blumo!
Until next time, keep on ramblin’.