Out of storage.
Now that paint is on and dried, its time to start dressing her up in her Sunday best.
I started with the wipers. They are some el cheapo black replacement wiper blades. Most ’70’s era cars had aluminum or other bright work type wipers. I gave the wipers a couple of quick coats of Krylon Bright Aluminum while I started installing trim.

I thought they looked pretty cheesy after spraying them. That was until I put the wiper insert back in and then installed them.

Wow! Much better than the dirty faded black that was there before!
I moved on to fuel door and installed the D-O-G-E letters.

I installed the front amber lights next.
Followed by the headlight covers and header panel trim.
Finally the grille is in! She actually looks like a ’74!
Can’t forget the fender emblems.

Next came all of the window trim and weatherstripping. Plus the door panels. I didn’t take a ton of pictures of those tasks.
And lastly installed the rear view mirror.

I am pooped! That was a lot of work for one weekend! I need to take a break!