Push-bars installed on the front bumper of the Bluesmobile is a critical component of the overall look of the car.
They must be on the car. End of subject.
Buuuuuttt. If you have seen my garage you can see that there will be no way I can fit the Bluesmobile with push-bars.

So what the hell am I going to????
Why fiberglass? Well they’re strong number one, almost as strong as steel in some cases. But since these will be primarily for show and not pushing cars, why not?
Second, they’re lightweight. That is the key piece, because I will need to remove them when the car is stored.

Using the above plans that I found on one of the Bluesmobiles boards I will make a set of push-bars to the specified dimensions.
So I have part of the problem solved, in my head at least!
The last piece of the puzzle is how to mount and remount the push-bar to the bumper without having to spend 20-30 minutes laying on the ground and wrenching behind the bumper. Interesting problem to solve!!!
This is where my think outside of the box thought pattern comes into the play!
I said to myself, if only there was some sort of quick release system available to help with this problem. So I fired up the old computer and went onto the information super highway and came across a website, Quik-Latch.com.
Quik-latch makes hood latches for many different cars, and they have a mini-version that I came across.
I can install the mounting buckets and posts behind the bumper once
And I’ll have these barely noticeable buckets in the bumper if I were to look at it when the push-bars are off.
The button portion of the Quick-Latch system will be mounted on the push-bar brackets.
Line up the brackets to the mounts, push in to lock them in, and then push buttons to release pins and remove the push-bars, what could be better????
Hell, if they’re good enough to hold down car hoods while driving down the highway at super fast speeds, they are good enough to mount my lightweight push-bars!!!