I happened upon this festival quite by accident. I was approached to take the Bluesmobile to Michigan that weekend to the Michigan International Speedway to help advertise events during their week long series of events. They were looking for the Bluesmobile to drive around their multiple campgrounds and announce activities over the PA systems, ala Jake and Elwood in The Blues Brothers.
By the time they found me and with the event quickly approaching the plan was scrapped at the last minute due to not being able to plan it more. Oh well, hopefully 2018!
I’m trying to get into the events market by offering the Bluesmobile for appearances. Long story short, one of the promotional companies that I was looking at hosts multiple events throughout the summer season in Chicago. One of them being Retro On Roscoe in the Roscoe Village neighborhood.
What made this event unique in my mind was the car show right on Roscoe Street!!!! I don’t think I have seen that at any of the festivals I have been to in the past, but it turns out that this is not a new phenomenon! I found out that this event has been sponsored for over 20 years by the family that owns Four Treys Tavern on Damen Ave. I sent an email last minute asking if there was any space available on either days and Colleen was gracious enough to get back to be right away letting me know that she had ONE spot left on Saturday and none on Sunday, so I took what I could get!!
On the morning of the show as I was heading out, I encountered the Bluesmobiles first fan of the day.
Coming from the Southwest side of Chicago, I’m not completely clear on which streets are one way on the Northside. Quite appropriately it turned out that I was able to get into the show via the backdoor (the Bluesmobile never uses the front door)!!! Instead of entering the show from Leavitt on the south side of Roscoe, I ended up going to far north, and going down the alley when I met…
The fine gentleman that owned this awesome truck! He said “Why ya gonna go around, we’ll get you in right here”. I thought it was very appropriate that I would run across someone that owns a Frankenstein’s Garage truck!
His buddy had a sweet mid-60’s Malibu that I absolutely loved!
Coming in through the back way and actually entering before other attendees were let in, I grabbed a prime spot on the corner of Roscoe and Leavitt under a nice big shady tree! One thing I learned this summer is to get a nice shady spot when you can!
I definitely could not complain about the spot! Enjoy the pictures from the rest of the show, and remember always support your local cruise nights and car shows!
On a side note, I haven’t had the time to swap radios yet, but I did get the plate secured with velcro! Looked good!