New Years Eve with The Blues Brothers!

Normally New Years Eve around our house is a low key event, usually something like a late dinner with a few drinks and head back home to watch the countdown on one of our local channels.

This year was way different! When browsing the interwebs on day in November, I found out that The Blues Brothers featuring Dan Aykroyd and Jim Belushi would be performing at the Treasure Island Resort and Casino in Welch, MN!!! Googled the distance, and found out that it was just over 6 hours away from Chicago and the best part is that kids 12 and older could attend the show when accompanied by an adult. I think I fit that category, so the whole family is in!

The weather was supposed to be very pleasant the whole time we were planning on being there. We kicked around the idea of bringing The Chicago Bluesmobile up for the show, but ultimately it didn’t work out. The way the casino is laid out didn’t allow for it.

Regardless it was a great show and a great time for the whole family. If you ever get a chance to see The Blues Brothers live, I highly recommend it!

Weather was great until Wisconsin Dells!
Lake City, MN. Birthplace of water skiing.
We made it!
The Mrs. surprised me with tickets to the after party!
Goofing off in the lobby!
We Want The Show! We Want The Show! We Want The Show!
Nice little family pic!
The Blues Brothers!
Elwood taking lead!
Elwood blowing harp!
Harp part 2
End of show dance party!!!
The Mrs. dancing next to Elwood!
Elwood boogieing!
Get down Elwood with yo bad self!
What do we have here?
Nectar of the Gods!

As great as the show was, and as awesome as the Crystal Head Vodka drinks were, I have to say the absolute highlight of my night was being able to get a quick pic of Dan Aykroyd and Jim Belushi! Mr. Aykroyd will never know how truly influential he was to me as a young boy. SNL, Blues Brothers, Trading Places, Ghostbusters, Spies Like Us, the list goes on.

Obviously The Blues Brothers is what stuck with me the most, if it weren’t for that movie seeding the desire to have my very own Bluesmobile, I wouldn’t be where I am at today without that inspiration.

Thank you Mr. Aykroyd, sincerely from the bottom of my heart.


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