Last night it was approximately 70 degrees in Chicago. In November. That doesn’t happen very often! So what does that translate to as a car guy? It means get your butt into the garage!!!

Even though 95% of what I am taking off of the Monaco will not be going on, I am labeling and bagging everything as if it were going back on the car. For one thing, 3 months from now when I want to put something back on, I wont have to guess which piece of trim is what.
More importantly though, when I get around to inventorying what I have that will not go back on, I will be able to package everything that will be sold! Thinking ahead my son!

Labeling items that are still on the car or will be staying on the car to me are extremely important to label!!! Who wants to waste time wondering which connection plugs into what socket???? Besides, the electrical system is 40 years old, and I am not planning on replacing it since none of if has been hacked up. It would be a shame if I were to overload any of it due to plugging a 20 amp line into a 15 amp…

I also like to take reference photos of pieces that I am taking off, just so I know where it goes back as well! I tell you I am not that smart, bad short term memory necessitates this!

I was also able to score a decent drivers side headlight mount specific to the 1974 front end. A new buddy of mine from one of the Bluesmobile boards saw some of my posts and let me know he had one. That’s the power of the internet my friends! Back in the day I would have had my yellow pages out and calling all sorts of wrecking yards. Turns out he found this piece in just such a place buried in mud.

This will clean up real nice with a wire wheel brush and some Rust-O-Leum. Now you’re probably saying to yourself that’s great, you have got yourself another one of those ’74 hard to find pieces, but what about the other???
That is very true my friends, and what are the odds of getting the passenger side headlight mount when I need it? I don’t know honestly. If one falls out of the sky and I can use it that would be great, but in reality I can’t count on that. So my plan will be to clean up the drivers side, paint it with nice gloss Rust-o-leum, and use it as a plug for fiberglass repops!
Fiberglass will be my new best friend in the coming months 🙂
As a side note, it sucks getting old. Look at that damage!