I always get those two confused…
Since finishing up the fender extensions (never say finished, I am tweaking them. more on that later…) I decided to pull the headlight bezels and grill off in anticipation of installing the headlight mounts.
Since I was already there, I decided to pull of the front bumper again to finishing pounding the mounts all the way back to give me the inch and half needed.
The fun part of building a Frankenstein car is trying to get parts to work with each other that were never meant to work together originally.
The ’76 Royal fenders have a gusset that connects to the core support.

While it complicates the install, definitely not a deal breaker. With my handy dandy rotary tool I’ll just cut some steel!
I’ll save the boring details and just post a bunch of pictures!

After I finished cutting and bolting the mount, everything felt secure and solid! Which is nice!
The drivers side went extremely smooth. The passenger side not so much. As soon as I started cutting, the flex shaft broke. This really sucked. It was 15 years old and a trusted companion. They just don’t make tools that last ;).
I was able to get the cuts done for the most part with the Craftsman rotary tool, but not very clean or close to where I needed them to end. I ended up going out Sunday afternoon to Walmart to pickup a new Dremel. I really didn’t want to buy it. I hated spending the money.
But it is a really awesome tool! My Craftsman tool is really large, and heavy. This is so small and light, but of course I like having the option of having a flex shaft attachment, so I have to order one of those!

So, even though it took longer than the drivers side, and wasn’t as clean with the rotary breaking, I am happy to say it is just as solid.

Did I forget to check if the bezels lined up and the extensions fit???? SHIT!
Ahhh, what a relief! Much better.
But, I noticed that I need to do a little more work on the extensions. They’re too flat in the front, needs more flow.
I made some markings and will start filing and sanding first, then move on to more drastic measures later!