We decided to do a double-header last Saturday.
I was planning on attending the Lombard Cruise Nights from the start, but then the Mrs. found out that the Hardcore Hearse Club was having a show focused on Hearses she wanted to go. Who am I to say no???
Believe it or not I have a thing for hearses as well (station wagons for that matter too). I always wanted one in high school because after you get over the fact that its primary function was to haul stiffs around it is a huge, awesome, cool looking people hauler. You could fit your whole class in one! I’d take one over boring utilitarian minivan any day of the week.
Unfortunately while we were there none of the live bands were there. BUT the DJ was spinning records. I SAID RECORDS. Out of a coffin!
I’ve always associated hearses with Cadillac. Especially late models. I was truly surprised to see the variety of hearses at this show.

A few people also brought some really cool rat rods, while they weren’t hearses, they certainly reflected the theme of raising the dead!
Next up was the 1st Lombard Cruise Night of 2017
This was the first year I attended and wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Most of my visits to Lombard have been on the Commercial side by Butterfield. I was really surprised what a nice little downtown area they had! Every Saturday through the summer cars park along St. Charles Road and multiple parking lots in the area. There is live music, great food, and lots of cars to check out! Highly recommend this one.
The variety of cars on display was stunning. Just about any make and model, and sub-model could be found.

So this was my 3rd or 4th show/cruise night of the summer already. It seems like I am trying to get as many in as possible!
Until this evening I’ve been the only TV/Movie car at any of these events. This has been really nice, because I haven’t had to compete with the better known cars like Starsky & Hutch’s Torino, K.I.T.T, General Lee, or even The A-Team van.
Soon as I pulled into the parking lot there was a Scooby Doo van. Well I guess it was bound to happen.
That was until the ULTIMATE BAD-ASS TV CAR SHOWED UP (In my humble opinion at least). In fact I heard it long before I could see it. And let me tell you I could not believe what I saw!

That’s right. The Munster’s Coach!!! Someone out there is slightly more of a fanatic than I when it comes to recreating an iconic car! Don’t get me wrong, I would drive the shit out of that car! I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED it.
I didn’t get a chance to speak with the owner due to the obvious crowd around him, but it was a really nice job. I think I want that to be my next project car. Or a ’66 Batmobile.
Hope you enjoyed the pics. This coming weekend (Friday 6/16) I will be at the Archer Ave. Cruise Night located in the Garfield Ridge neighborhood in Chicago.
This is also the neighborhood I live in, so it would be great to see as many of you as possible!