Today's post is about shaping foam! Yay! It is exciting stuff! As I previously mentioned way back in the beginning of this blog that I have to consciously keep my urges for perfection at arms length with this project. Otherwise the car would never ever see the open road again. Therefore concessions need to be... Continue Reading →
Everything You Wanted To Know About Floral Foam, But Were Afraid To Ask*
*And what the hell does floral foam have to do with the Bluesmobile???? Floral foam. It's useful for arranging flowers, hence "floral" in the title. It's also very handy to make different elevations of scenery when putting up your Christmas Village. While brainstorming ideas with some of my good friends that are part of the... Continue Reading →
Thanksgiving is over. Time to lose weight.
Thanksgiving is a time for families to gather and enjoy good food and company. Fortunately for me, it also allowed me some time to get into the garage!!! While the temperature is starting to drop it has been really nice most of November. The objective was to finish removing the '76 Royal front end, test... Continue Reading →
Speaking of fiberglass… Push-bars.
Push-bars installed on the front bumper of the Bluesmobile is a critical component of the overall look of the car. They must be on the car. End of subject. Buuuuuttt. If you have seen my garage you can see that there will be no way I can fit the Bluesmobile with push-bars. So what the... Continue Reading →
It’s 70 Degrees in Chicago. In November.
Last night it was approximately 70 degrees in Chicago. In November. That doesn't happen very often! So what does that translate to as a car guy? It means get your butt into the garage!!! Even though 95% of what I am taking off of the Monaco will not be going on, I am labeling and... Continue Reading →
That’s it!, the glue’s are off now!
If you can't tell from this posts title, I like a good word pun. I was finally able to get some work in this month on the Monaco. At the end of October I pulled the trim off the car and the vinyl top. Surprisingly I found that the adhesive was in excellent shape. It... Continue Reading →