Did you know that Chicago Police Officers are provided only ONE bulletproof vest at no cost to them when they graduate from the academy?
Did you know that those bulletproof vests must be replaced after being hit with a bullet or every 5 years due to the normal chemical breakdown that occurs?
Did you know that Chicago Police Officers must purchase each new bulletproof vests out of their own pocket?
Last Sunday, May 21st, was the inaugural Cars & Cops Car Show held at the Collector’s Car Garage at 2500 W. Bradley Place on the North Side of Chicago.
All proceeds from the entrants benefited Get Behind the Vest, an initiative of the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation, which is purchasing 8,000 bulletproof vests for use by Chicago police officers.
I couldn’t think of a more fitting venue to debut the Bluesmobile, which is why the fire was lit at the end of last month to finish up phase 1!
Showing up to a car show that benefits the CPD in a PO-LEASE car is a no brainer to me!

While the morning was overcast and I hit a little rain getting onto the 90/94 it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day!

After first arriving, the organizers weren’t quite sure what they wanted to do with me. They didn’t know if they wanted me out in the general areas, up front, in a special display inside the garage, so I parked her for awhile and waited.

After awhile, I was told that there was a group of police cars coming and to move the Bluesmobile into the garage because a special display was going to be set-up. I thought that it was cool, and happily obliged. Unfortunately they never came and by the time I was told to take her back out, all the good spots were taken.
So I made my own.

It really was a good spot. Everyone walking the show got a chance to see her! I love seeing the looks on peoples faces when they realize what she is. Truth be told, I love seeing the confused and horrified looks as well!
In all over 240 cars attended the show. Unfortunately I could not get pictures of the vast majority, but let me tell you there were some cool cars there!
Here is a small sampling:

Hope you all have enjoyed the pictures. There were tons more to see. Do yourself a favor and pick a great weekend during the summer and visit a local car show. They’re fun for the whole family!
WGN News segment: https://wgntv.com/2017/05/21/car-show-raises-money-to-help-protect-those-sworn-to-serve-and-protect/
I’ll be back soon with another tech write up for a super top secret project that I am working on for the Bluesmobile!
Big shout out to my 2 biggest supporters in this en devour of mine, my wife and son. Without their encouragement and support this would have not been possible.