Now this is where the Dodge looks like a Bluesmobile! Did you ever take a freshly painted car and say, you know this turned out really nice, to nice in fact. Let's shitty it up! I sure did. Other than the actual markings, the next obvious detail is that the markings were worn, scratched, faded,... Continue Reading →
Now that she’s sanded, let’s add the markings
Let's face it, up to this point I have a black and white Dodge Monaco that could be any cities or counties squad car in the United States from that era. Then what makes a Dodge a Bluesmobile? Well there are a number of things that go into making a 1974(ish) Dodge into a Bluesmobile,... Continue Reading →
Color Sanding, Wet Sanding. Whatever you call it, it sucks.
Due to the amount of orange peel in the finished black paint, I knew I was going to have a date with a bucket of water and some sandpaper. You have no idea until you try it how sucky of a job it is. But trying to turn a negative into a positive, it gave... Continue Reading →
Spotlight Install
Awhile back I purchased an old beat-up Unity S6 spotlight on Ebay for a really good price. I got it so cheap because of the amount of surface rust on it. I was able to clean it up pretty good and finally it is time to install. I don't think I have been as nervous... Continue Reading →
Time to get some trim…
Out of storage. Now that paint is on and dried, its time to start dressing her up in her Sunday best. I started with the wipers. They are some el cheapo black replacement wiper blades. Most '70's era cars had aluminum or other bright work type wipers. I gave the wipers a couple of quick... Continue Reading →
Shoot, or get off the pot.
Happy Sunday everyone! The best part about Sunday is that you get to sleep in late, go to bed early, and best of all go back to work Monday!!! I kid! I am being totally sarcastic here. This has been one of those whirlwind weeks of car activity, although it wasn't supposed to be. My... Continue Reading →